People have visited this page since Aug 10 '98
OK, here it is, finally up and running, the Canada Rocks Page!!

Here's a pretty boring explaination of all the buttons...
This button will take you to a page of all the updates... pretty useless right now, since everything is new!
This will take you to a page of all the bands that are being showcased on my page... Hopefully I'll have a long list of them in the near future.
This section is going to be a forum for musicians looking for bands/bands looking for musicians, people looking for someone to collaberate with etc. can find eachother, it's in the form of a message board, so go message away...
This will be a list of links that are (mostly) music related, plus the obligitory credit links and links to friends' pages.
Just my old Mondegreen page. If you want a laugh and can put up with crappy HTML and a few broken links, go here.
This is about me. So if you're bored enough to look, here I am...

[email protected]